Hello, I have been asked to make a tutorial for a Mini easel double exploding box so here it is.
This would have to be one of my most favourite crafts to make, you can put so much into one of these boxes.
What you need
3x cardstock
Double sided tape or glue
First box
Step 1. 30cm x 30cm card, ruled into nine 10cm squares (as shown above).
Step 2. Cut out the squares in each corner (so it looks like picture below).
Step.3 Fold to make a box.
Second Box
Step 1. 27cm x 27cm card ruled into nine 9cm x 9cm squares (as shown above).
Step 2. Cut out the four corners (like picture below).
Step 3. fold (see below).

Step 4. Stick the smaller box into the larger box (see below).
Step 1. 16.2cm x 16.2cm card, measure in from all sides 3cm this should give you a square in the centre which measures 10.2cm (see above).
Step 2. See picture above & below on where & how to cut, only come in 3cm for each cut.
Step 3. fold & stick sides together (see below).
Step 4. Place lid on to your box (see below).
Well done you have now made a exploding box.
Mini Easel card
Step 1. 10cm x 20cm card, measure along the longest side 10cm & 5cm (see above)
Step 2. Fold (see above & below)
Step 3. Cut out a square 10cm x 10cm (see below on where it goes).
Step 4. You will need a piece of card 8cm x 5cm mounted on foam dots to place on card (see below) so the back will stand up.
Step 5. Stick card on top of your box (see below)
Well done you have now made a Mini easel double exploding box.
Now time to decorate the box, the fun part.
All the best
Fabulous tutorial Kerry, thanks so much for sharing, I will definitely be having a go at this.
Caz x